Epping Forest & Harlow Community Transport

Welcome to your local Community Transport!

Volunteer  Driver’s urgently needed!!

Social Car & minibus to keep our essential service going!!

Your support will help vulnerable people continue to access our transport services and combat social isolation. Our work is limited only by the number of volunteers.

Contact us for more details on 01992 579556 or Email: efct@efcommunitytransport.org.uk

EFHCT services offered include:

• Individual Bookings – Social Car and Dial-a-ride
• Group Bookings
• Voluntary/Community Groups
• Bus Routes • DaRT (Demand Responsive Transport) 

DaRT is NOT a taxi service,  there must be enough volume of passengers with similar itineraries in order to make the journeys viable. Passengers are asked to be flexible so bookings can be grouped together.

Most DaRT work is former bus routes and group bookings but unlike a large bus, DaRT only needs three or four passengers to make a group booking.  When not operating a timetable bus route or group booking, vehicles may be available for individual runs where no alternative transport is available.

DaRT operates between date and time depends on which service. Unlike a conventional bus, you need to first register as a customer. You need to book your seat on a journey at least 1 working day in advance of travel. Please telephone 01992 579556 to book.

Concessionary bus passes will be accepted (After 09:00 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday).

Visit the Charity Commission or Companies House websites for our December 2022 – November 2023 accounts.